Visitor Policy & Advisory

Our visitor policy is designed to safeguard the health and safety of residents, visitors and staff. Thank you for working with us to support the wellbeing of everyone.

  1. The following adjustments will come into effect from 4 November 2024.

  2. Visitation hours: 11am – 2pm and 4pm – 8pm daily. No booking is required.

  3. Please refrain from visiting if you are unwell and/or have any of the following:
    – acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms e.g. fever, cough, flu, sore throat, etc
    – close contact with someone who is infected or suspected to be Covid positive within the past 7 days
    – close contact with someone who is infected or suspected to be Mpox positive and who have travel history (to country listed below) within the past 21 days
    – any traveling history in the past 21 days to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Central Africa, East Africa, Sweden and Thailand.

  4. All visitors are required to submit electronic Visitor Registration Log and Health Declaration Form at the entrance point.

  5. Registration will be closed 15 mins before the end of each visiting hours (i.e. at 1.45pm and 7.45pm)

  6. Please keep to 2 visitors at any one time.

  7. All visitors are required to don a mask on entry and throughout the visitation.

  8. Please use the designated visitor’s rest rooms.

  9. Visitors who do not comply with the above will be prohibited from future visits.

Thank you for your understanding, let’s make this a safe environment for everyone.

Please contact us at if you have any further questions.